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Ordination application

Who is your primary personal reference? 


Oversight and Disciplinary Procedure. KGM’s role and primary pursuits are to provide spiritual covering, and to encourage and exhort its ordained ministers, that they fulfill their ministry and lead with excellence and honor. KGM defers the policing of ministers to local church government and civil authorities. KGM will not sit in judgment on those who have made or will make mistakes. KGM leaves such judgment with God. Should, in KGM’s view, the conduct of a KGM ordained minister become seriously unethical, unscriptural, or inappropriately controversial, KGM at its discretion may make available such leaders or elders we deem wise or appropriate to counsel the minister in the Spirit of Christ. Should, in KGM’s view, a situation rise to a level requiring discipline, KGM will follow the biblical method set forth by Christ (Matthew 18:15-20). KGM’s primary objective in such an endeavor is to secure reconciliation. If those attempts are unsuccessful, both parties agree to submit to biblical mediation, to be more fully prescribed on a case-by-case basis. Both parties agree that in no case shall either party pursue legal action in courts. KGM reserves sole and exclusive discretion to suspend or revoke a minister’s Certificate of Ordination. Cause for revoking a ministerial license include but may not be limited to: • Rejecting sound doctrine or teaching false doctrine (I Timothy 1:3, 4:16). • Practicing immorality (I Corinthians 5:9-11). • Walking in an unruly or disorderly manner (II Thessalonians 3:6-12). • Causing divisions (Romans 16:17). • Insisting on being domineering or quarrelsome (II Timothy 2:24, I Peter 5:1-3). • Defiling one's separation from the world (James 4:4).


This amount can be adjusted at any time by contacting our office.) For your convenience, we can create an automatic bank draft with our office or you may donate monthly on-line. Our business office will be in contact with you when your application is approved and processed to get your preference.

Solemnity / Faithfulness.

I, to the best of my ability, fully commit to: Submit fully to the Gospel, the standards of The Bible, all lawfully and biblically constituted authority and governance of my local church, and to the spiritual authority and covering of KGM; Preach the Good News of Jesus Christ wherever God may send me; Lead a life of integrity, purity and righteousness; Faithfully proclaim the Word of God without fear of man and without compromising the Truth of the Scripture; Strive to my utmost to maintain the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace; Faithfully fulfill my calling through a life of prayer and study of the Word of God.

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.


KGM is a discipleship movement that exists to proclaim the gospel in every nation, reach the next generation.



110 Grapevine HWY

Suite 101

Hurst, TX 76054


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© 2021 Kingdom Global Ministries

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