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Emil's Story

Hi everyone, my name Is Emil Thomas. Let me invite you all to a quick introduction about myself.

I was born and raised in Kerala, India. I was raised in a Christian pentecostal family. My dad is a christian singer/songwriter, so naturally I was raised in the environment of ministry and music. Even though I grew up around ministry I didn’t truly get saved until I was 17 years old. I gave my life to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I thought my life was going to be easy from that point onwards, but one thing I have learnt about God is that He is a Father who always will call us to a higher standard which requires us to take a posture of surrender and obedience. What I had to also learn through sitting in the presence of God was that leaders are made to serve and the plans that He has for his children is to build them up and to never harm them. Flash forward to 2017, My biggest dream was to become a successful R&B artist. I was making preparations to apply at some of the top music universities in America but God had a better plan for me. Sometimes we ought to appreciate God’s plan for your life above all things. Letting God lead my way, He confirms to me through many signs and vision that Im supposed to apply for Christ For The Nations Institute instead. Although I was hesitant at first I still chose to obey the voice of God despite of the uncertain circumstances and moved to Dallas, Texas in 2018 to study at CFNI for the spring semester. It has been a life changing experience for me to be called out by Him from my own plans that I had built up for my self to build His kingdom, A higher calling. The growth I’ve experienced at CFNI was extraordinary, it molded and shaped me into the man I am today. In that season God was revealing who He is in my life and how living apart from Him was nothing short of an empty void. All the struggles and hardships I’ve faced especially as an international student in America, I couldn’t have survived, if it wasn’t for me totally depending on God for literally everything. He was and is my source and my strength.

God has been faithful through it all.

After graduating from CFNI in fall 2020, God opened a door for me to work as a  worship intern at Transformation church in Indian land, SC. An experience that stretched me spiritually, mentally and emotionally. He taught me what it looks like to submit under leadership that He has placed above me, how to lead worship from a place of overflow and posture of servanthood which then allowed a space for me to influence other worship leaders around me and outside of my church. 2 years later God brought me back to Dallas (2023). During the month of august I was able to meet with Pastor Larry Titus who then connected me with my Pastor, Gabriel Zamora who is an amazing leader and pastor. He recognized the call of God upon my life and brought me on as the global intern under Kingdom Global Ministries with responsibilities as staff and helping lead worship at Home City Church. I’m super pumped and excited to see what God has in store for our church.


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